Preview: An Industrial Odyssey in Hellas (Greece) | Cambridge Industrial Archaeology Group at Cambridge Museum of Technology | Monday 13 May 2024, 19:30 BST
Cambridge Industrial Archaeology Group presents a multimedia exploration of industry in Hellas (Greece) from ancient to modern, with:
Dr Anastasia Christophilopoulou (Fitzwilliam Museum)
Dr Gordon Davies (Cambridge Museum of Technology)
Dr Michael Loy (Cambridge University Faculty of Classics)
Michael Loy connects ancient trade, industry and seasonal shipping networks: what was made (and moved) in the ancient Aegean (and why)?
An (Industrial) Tale of Two Cities
Museum volunteer Gordon Davies provides a producer’s commentary on an immersive, documentary-film (originally produced for the Association for Industrial Archaeology workshop The Architecture of Industry), which 'twins' the machinery and industrial architecture of Cambridge Museum of Technology with the Industrial Gas Museum, Technopolis City of Athens.
Being an Islander
Courtesy of Anastasia Christophilopoulou, extracts from an anthropology film Being an Islander examine contemporary industries on the Greek island of Siphnos: mining | stone-masonry | pottery.
Excerpt from Being an Islander: stonemasonry
£5 e-ticket in advance | cash or card on door
£3 (students) on door (cash | card) with valid student card
Members and Volunteers of Cambridge Museum of Technology can attend for free (with membership / volunteer card)
Suitable for ages 14+. The will take place in the Pye Building at Cambridge Museum of Technology. Please note that entrance on the night will be via the Museum’s Cheddars Lane (upper) gate, not the lower (Riverside) gate.
About Cambridge Industrial Archaeology Group
Cambridge Industrial Archaeology Group organises a programme of meetings about industrial heritage at Cambridge Museum of Technology. Talks usually take place at 7.30pm on the second Monday of each month during autumn and spring programmes.
For further information about Cambridge Industrial Archaeology Group contact Robin Chandler