The print shop is usually open on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.  We are also open on the Museum’s  steam-up days.

Visitors will see printing presses and paraphernalia dating from the 1820s to the late 20th century.

The collection of presses ranges  from simple Adana hobby machines to the mind-bogglingly complicated Wharfedale stop-cylinder machine which was commissioned by Cambridge University Press in 1893 and ran its final job 91 years later.  

Other famous brands represented include: Albion, Columbian,  Harrild & Sons Ltd and Peerless.

Cases of wood and metal type, chases, composing sticks, formes, furniture, line and half-tone image blocks, quoins and woodblocks are also on display.

Our volunteers are available to demonstrate the historic presses on which they continue to produce their own artwork and hand-printed  products for the museum shop.  There are opportunities for visitors to participate!

We can be contacted at: