Festive Makeover at Engineer's House

Thanks to a group of enthusiastic volunteers - and decorations courtesy of Emmaus Cambridge – the Engineer's House on Riverside, Cambridge has been given a festive makeover for Christmas 2016 with a festive tree, baubles, and solar-charged illuminations!

Visit the campaign on Indiegogo for more information about ways that volunteers and donors can support this project to restore the Engineer's House for community use.

Cambridge Museum of Technology
Festive Opening: Sunday 4th December 2016, 2pm-5pm

The festive theme will continue at the December 2016 opening of the Cambridge Museum of Technology:

  • Decorations, stocking fillers and gifts available for purchase from the museum shop
  • make your own Christmas-card designs in the Print Shop
  • join musicians for renditions of festive favourites ...more information


