On Wednesday 27 April 2022, dozens of volunteers and museum partners gathered at Cambridge Museum of Technology to show their appreciation for Curator Pam Halls, who – after more than two decades volunteering and (since 2014) as a member of staff – has decided to move into museum consultancy, where she intends to apply her curatorial expertise to a variety of museums’ projects.

Curator Pam Halls (left) with Chair of Trustees (John Little, right) in the Pye Building, Cambridge Museum of Technology, 27 April 2022

Curator, researcher, mentor, administrator, events-organiser, chauffeur (and more!)

As Chair of Trustees John Little noted in a presentation, “Curator” only partly describes the many roles that Pam has undertaken in this capacity: from mentoring (and periodically chauffeuring!) volunteers to museum administration (including everything from meeting organisation to bin collections!) and much more...  

Curatorially, Pam oversaw the multi-year transition to an accredited museum.  
The work she did on the Heritage Lottery Funded redevelopment – together with other staff, volunteers, the Pye History Trust and the Scientific Instrument Company community – created fully researched and documented collections, new display interpretation and an activity space in the Pye Building. 

Pam has also been involved in many events relating to local history, family-activity days, education, vintage rallies and countless other events, often as the principal organiser. 

“It’s the people who have made this museum” 

In her response, Pam thanked volunteers and acknowledged the opportunity that the museum provides to work with fantastic teams to learn new skills: “I couldn’t do it by myself. Anything I didn’t understand, someone’s stood-in to sort it out. A huge thank-you to all of you.” 

As a highlight of her curation work at the museum, Pam noted the opportunity to meet the original designers and makers of numerous exhibits at the museum. 

Farewell and thank-you Pam! 

On behalf of staff, volunteers, trustees, partners and visitors, a big thank-you to Pam and her family, who have supported her and the museum.  

As the museum embarks on its next chapter, with forthcoming public Steam Days, we wish Pam all the best and raise a glass of her favourite gin to success in her new endeavours! 
